Jumat, 26 September 2014

Count my blessings

" Then which of the favours of your lord will you deny? "

The struggle of life is one of my greatest blessing. It makes me patient, sensitive and Godlike. It teaches me that although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it. Absolutely, everything that happens in my life is so wonderful, unpredictable and full of surprise :) and i many grateful.

It was beyond from my expectation, even more than my expectation. Everything happens when i am really lose my hope, such as didn't have many dream and bury to fall in the ground.
But God with his power make it real, Subhanawloh..

Lalallalala lalallalal yeyyeyeyeye~

we are back together yee yeyeyeye~

- Distance doesn't matter if you really love the person., what matters most  is your honestly and trust for that relationship to work out -

Terima kasih ya alloh, terimakasih banyak untuk kesempurnaan hidup yang insha alloh engkau ridhoi. untuk kembalinya dia.
Semoga alloh mengabulkan semua niat baik kami amiin allohuma ya ammiin.

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