Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Triangle of Love

as usually, he was came at the right time, seems like reminder for of my life when i felt nothing.
i dunno why.
i just know, it's second time we talked about triangle love for God, love for parents and Love for lot of people.

last night, we more talking, shared opinion about understanding of religions, he was entered positif impact, i have something new to applies in my life, support me that i still have time to change be better, he's give me it.

he said " Allah mu itu Hatimu " Allah berkehendak seperti hatimu, Allah memberikan apapun, APAPUN yang kamu mau.tetapi waktu nya saja yang lama. ketika engkau berprasangka buruk, maka terjadilah buruk. Ketika engkau berprasangka baik, maka terjadilah baik.Semua berawal dari hati. Maka isi hati dengan yang baik-baik. Karena Allah, hatimu :)

he talked also about Hijab and his opinion related of Hijab Fashionable.
and for these topic, we disagreed hehhehe.
i am more prefer to not using Hijab when i still doing some mistake at public. seems like, smoke, drunk e.t.c
but he said that it's no problem when a girl using Hijab still doing some bad habit at public, example smoke..

because he believes " islam itu di hati, bukan di muka hirarki. saya tanam islam dalam-dalam, hingga tidak terlihat olehmu dan hanya Tuhanku yang melihat, karena belum tentu kau dan Tuhanmu bisa melihat "

oh my god.. he was awesome

i can't describe all of our random conversation, he still young but has soul of mature.
he speaks like a grown man who has many experience. but he still humbel, nice dan sometimes he was amusing :))))

alhamdulilah, i knowing him.


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